The diagnostic efficacy of some ischemic markers (urotensin II and urotensin II related peptide) in early diagnosis of intestinal ischemia in experimentally increased intraabdominal pressure in rats

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Mehmet Bugra Bozan
Refik Ayten
Nurullah Bulbuller
Cemalettin Camci
Erhan Aygen
Necip Ilhan
Ibrahim Hanfi Ozercan
Ayse Azak Bozan
Ali Aksu
Nizamettin Kutluer


Aim: The purpose of this experimental study is evaluating the relation between plasma urotensin-II (U-II) and urotensin-II related peptide (URP) levels with intestinal ischemia caused by elevated intraabdominal pressure.Material-Methods: Wistar albino rats weighing 200–250 grams used.Group-1: Laparatomized group without abdominal pressure elevation in sixty minutes under general anesthesia.Group-2: Ten mmHg elevated intraabdominal pressure group in sixty minutes under general anesthesia.Group-3: Fifteen mmHg elevated intraabdominal pressure group in sixty minutes under general anesthesia.Group-4: Twenty mmHg elevated intraabdominal pressure group in sixty minutes under general anesthesia.After sacrifing, in general anesthesia blood and tissue samples were collected. Hematoxilen and eosyn stained tissue samples were examined under light microscope.Results: Plasma U-II levels changes insignificant in group 2 and 3 but in group-4 was changed significantly compared with the control group(respectevely p=0,609; p=0.848; p=0.04). Plasma URP levels changed significantly in all groups compared with the control group (p-values were p=0.018; p=0.018 and p=0.04 respectively).Conclusion: U-II levels could not be a useful parameter for the early diagnosis of the intestinal ischemic damage caused byintraabdominal pressure(IAP), because it is found in all vascular structures. On the other hand, plasma URP levels would be used for the early diagnosis of the intestinal ischemia. Because of the limitations of our study, we believe that our results should be confirmed with clinical studies.Keywords: Intrabdominal hypertension; intestinal ischemia; urotensin-ii; urotensin-ii related peptid; abdominal compartment syndrome.


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How to Cite
Bugra Bozan, M., Ayten, R., Bulbuller, N., Camci, C., Aygen, E., Ilhan, N., Hanfi Ozercan, I., Azak Bozan, A., Aksu, A., & Kutluer, N. (2021). The diagnostic efficacy of some ischemic markers (urotensin II and urotensin II related peptide) in early diagnosis of intestinal ischemia in experimentally increased intraabdominal pressure in rats . Annals of Medical Research, 26(7), 1415–1419. Retrieved from
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